Hi, I'm Shreesh

Software Engineer | Mobile Developer

About Me

What I Aspire to Do

My goal as a software engineer is to build meaningful performant applications that can make a positive impact and improve lives.

What I'm Currently Doing

I am currently looking for full-time opportunites as a Software Engineer/Mobile Developer.

I recently graduated from Arizona State University with a Master's degree in Computer Science.

In my free time, I take different online courses to expand my knowledge and improve my skillset as an engineer.

When I'm not coding, I'm

Playing Football | Watching Anime | Reading | Listening to Music | Exercising | Learning New Languages


Languages and Frameworks: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ReactJS, React Native, GatsbyJS, Django, Flask, GraphQL, SQL

Databases: MongoDB, Firebase, PostgreSQL, Amazon DynamoDB

Other Tools: AWS, Git, Heroku, Netlify, Windows, Unix/Linux


Currently: TypeScript, Docker

On The Radar: Kubernetes, SEO

Hacking On

Finding a full-time position

Volunteering as part of the ASU Pro EPICS Program


All Projects
